Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma is a professional chemistry fraternity created to bring together those in a wide variety of chemistry-related fields.
The Objects of Alpha Chi Sigma:

To Bind
its members with a tie of true and lasting friendship.

To Strive
for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession.

To Aid
its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as chemists throughout their mortal lives.
Beta Delta Officers

Mallory Strickland – Master Alchemist
Major: Chemical Engineering
Favorite Chemistry Course: Orgo II Lab

Julian Wortham – Vice Master Alchemist
Major: Chemical Engineering
Fun Fact: Julian has played the guitar since middle school!

Terin Macdonald – Master of Ceremonies
Major: Chemical Engineering
Why I Love AXS: I love being social with a bunch of people who enjoy chemistry like I do!

Evie Smith – Recorder
Major: Chemistry
Why I Love AXS: Everyone is very nice and I’ve been able to make a bunch of new friends!

Christian Bigler – Reporter
Major: Biological Sciences
Favorite Chemistry Course: Medical Chemistry

Megan Hutchcraft – Treasurer
Major: Chemical Engineering
Fun Fact: Megan had only seen 3 Disney movies before going to college.

Karli Heimburger – Alumni Secretary
Major: Biochemical Engineering
Favorite Chemistry Course: Gen Chem I

Morgan Mieger – Webmaster
Major: Chemical Engineering
Favorite Chemistry Course: Thermodynamics I & II