Do you have an interest in chemistry? So do we! Consider joining Alpha Chi Sigma!
We accept potential pledges from a wide range of majors: Biological Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Ceramic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geology, Geological Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering.
But wait!
You don’t have to be pursuing one of these majors to join! If you have the desire to advance the field of chemistry through a major not listed, you are still eligible. For example, mechanical engineers that work on materials processing using additive manufacturing would be considered eligible. Contact our Vice Master Alchemist for more information, check out our awesome recruitment events, and join the recruitment GroupMe!!
Recruitment Events Fall 2023
Lemonade at the Library
Wednesday Aug. 30th
11 am – 1 pm
Outside the Library
Game Night
Friday Sept. 1st
7 pm – 9 pm
Bertelsmeyer B12A
Chemistry Demos
Wednesday Sept. 6th
11 am – 12 pm
Havener Center Atrium
Tie Dye & Button Sale
Friday Sept. 8th
11 am – 1 pm
Havener Center Atrium